Fads are not the solution for lasting weight loss

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How many times have you tried a new diet?

And then just put all the weight back on, and sometimes more.  

My 4 week program called Breaking Fads isn't one of these fads!  It will be the last program you will ever need!

All for just £3 per week.

My coaching approach is not a temporary solution or a restrictive diet plan. With my guidance, you can lose weight in a way that you genuinely enjoy!

No more banned foods, no more guilt for indulging in your favorite treats like chocolate or pizza, and no more exhausting seven-day workout sessions. In fact, exercise doesn’t even have to be part of these four weeks.

My coaching will teach you how to achieve your goals while enjoying life to the fullest!

Click below to say goodbye to the disappointment of fleeting results.

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"I understand that in mid-life, with the added responsibilities we are always busy"

But the good news is I’m not your typical twenty-something fitness coach who hasn’t experienced these challenges and stresses.  And that’s why my program truly works!

What is included in Breaking Fads?

What You'll Get:

Simple, Realistic Tips: Easy-to-follow advice that fits seamlessly into your life.

Balanced Meal Ideas: Delicious and nutritious recipes that won't leave you feeling deprived.

Progressive habits: Fun and engaging challenges to keep you motivated and on track.

Support from Me: Guidance and tips from me to help you every step of the way.

Community Support: Connect with a community of like-minded individuals on the same journey.

How It Works:

Sign Up: Join my program for just £3 per week.

Get Started: Receive your first set of tips.

Join the Community: Engage with our supportive community for motivation and advice.

Track Your Progress: Watch the pounds come off.

Why This Works:

- No Restrictive Diets: Enjoy your favourite foods while making healthier choices.

- Sustainable Changes: Learn habits that you can maintain for life.

- Support System: Get the encouragement and accountability you need to succeed.

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Karen Fulcher

I have lost 25 kilos and feel much fitter, clothes are fitting better I have more confidence to wear better fitting clothes and not just loose stuff to cover me up!!! Most of all I am happier in myself.


I have noticed a big improvement with looking leaner which was my number one goal! The byproduct of that meant I have lost some weight so that definition can shine through which I'm also happy about! I'm looking healthier and feeling happier!

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How much does this program cost?

"How much is it?"  this program is £3 per week, and you are free to cancel at any time.  

You won't find value like this anywhere online, and to make it completely risk free for you, I offer a 100% no-questions money-back guarantee in the first 14 days. 

My clients come in looking to lose weight but leave with much more. They never have to worry about gaining a few pounds or searching for the next fad diet again.
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If you are still unsure, listen to what some of my old and new clients say about getting started with me.